A month in...
Now entering Week 4 of my stay in Dublin! Pretty crazy how time seems to be flying by. I read some of the new letters I received while riding the DART in this morning (yes, it is finally up and running again). Ann told me I must have a very close family to be getting so many letters all the time. It was nice to read them on my commute into the city. Some peaceful time to reflect too as I put in my IPod and walked to the coffee shop I am currently sitting in. It’s called Costa coffee and is pretty much like the Starbucks of Dublin. On my commute into the city this morning, I couldn’t help but be reminded of some of the cities back home. Here I am in what would seem like a peaceful, serene country, and it still shares some of the hustle and bustle of somewhere like Baltimore city. No wonder I’ve heard Dublin called “the little New York City.” Everyone seems to be rushing to get somewhere with an end goal in mind. But I think the difference is that amidst all of the hecticness and haste, anyone would still stop to give you directions or smile and say hello. There are also far more street performers, people on every block sharing their passions with the world – anything from interpretive dance to singing with a guitar to being human statues. There’s always something to see.
The out of service DART this weekend was somewhat of a
blessing in disguise. It forced me to step outside of a comfort zone I didn’t
think I had. Those of you who know me pretty well, know that I am not usually
the head navigator. I get lost going to my own boyfriend’s house (there are a
lot of different routes to get there, okay?). However, with some help, I was
able to navigate from the City Centre to home and back multiple times in the
past weekend via the crazy, confusing, multi-routed Dublin bus system. I felt
empowered being able to figure out something as normal as a public
transportation bus. Lame, I know, but that’s my life.

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